Woke up early in the morning for breakfast and some grocery shopping. We embarked the journey to Broga Hill at 12pm sharp. We were assigned to do some sort of research on those indigenous group in Broga Hill.
Unluckily, it was a rainy day. The rain was pelting down like bullets, beat us mercilessly. Still, we have to walk in the wet and travel from one residence to another one.
Muddy shoes. Thanks to the spattering rain.
Oh ya maybe someday we should conquer that hill =)
A meaningful quote saying:
"We are not the brightest crayon in the box but we hope to bridge hidden communities with urbanites."
Saturday Night and Sunday
Right after that, went to Damansara meeting up loveliessss. Awww, i miss them badly. We have no chance to meet up for quite a longg time. Lui picked me up at Kelana station then we headed for dinner. Haha Y.E.A.H, as usual, we exchanged good and evil tidings ! **grinsS**
Later on, next station was Cheryl's house. Favourite place to over night and had pillow talk. SweeEEt.
We spent the whole night playin this. J.E.R.A.M.I !!!
Of course, we have to use fingers to play. Too tiny weh. But it seems to become larger after playing for some time. Weird thing.
We love squeeeezinggg together =D
Well,we actually talked talked talked till everyone dozed off. The next morning, we woke up earlier to have brunch together. And, we managed to meet up Heng in MV, catched a movie then.
Being with them is never bored, i really really feel comfortable. Thou i don't speak a lot, and basically im just too poor in expressing myself as well,but hm tht's me. Just me. Because friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.
Hmmm me likey the bonding session with them =))
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